SENThese pages provide further information about the Mediation and Disagreement Resolution Services Community Accord provides.

The information is relevant to parents, young people, local authority officers, schools, health authorities and anyone else who might be involved in the Mediation / Disagreement Resolution process.

Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) mediation has become an integral part of Community Accord’s work. We contract with local education authorities for these services where there is a dispute about some aspect of an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHC) or the SEND provision provided to a child or young person.

Although contracted by local education authorities, our service-level agreements provide for our full independence from them, and we work to the same principles as outlined on our ‘Mediation’ page.

The services outlined are run according to the Government’s SEND Code of Practice: 0 to 25 years (for reference, please click here).